Global Renaissance Investments (GRI) will next week host the fifth edition of the Zimbabwe Infrastructure Investment Summit in Harare.

The summit is set for October 14.

Zim Infrastructure Investment Summit (2021) seeks to highlight the vast investment opportunities in infrastructure that are currently available in the country.

The event comes as the government, through the NDS1, has identified infrastructure as a key enabler to economic development.

Water, energy, ICT, & transport infrastructure are crucial in facilitating industrial activity as well as facilitating trade, both locally and across borders.

Transport & Infra Minister Felix Mhona, & Local Govt, Public Works Minister July Moyo are expected to be part of discussions.

Other notable guests include Africa Development Bank (AfDB) executive director Dr Judith Kateera as well as Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) executive chairman Dr Sydney Gata. -Zim Economic Review