Zimbabwe is headed for disaster unless the powers that be change the country’s trajectory, Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) president, Peter Mutasa has warned.

In an interview with the Daily News, Mutasa bemoaned the incessant power cuts bedeviling the country which have become a threat to workers as jobs are lost as a result of de-industrialization.

The negative effects of the power cuts are felt at the household level too, Mutasa argued. He said:

We are heading for a disaster unless those in charge see things the way we see it and change course.

Companies are closing down and some in the tobacco sector are thinking of relocating to other countries.

Some workers are being returned home because the companies are not producing.

There is going to be serious de-industrialisation at this rate and this country is going to shut down at some point.

There is no food for families, children are dying because there is no money for medical fees, while many children are dropping out of school because their parents do not have money.

We are facing a serious humanitarian crisis because people are going to work but can’t afford necessities.

The workers now need to look for alternative energy like firewood and gas, which wipes away their income.

… There is a need for a new trajectory that will alleviate the challenges, support the informal sector, redistribute wealth and deal with corruption.

Daily News