Zimbabwe Council of Churches, Secretary General, Rev Kenneth Mtata says Covid-19 needs scientists and not prophets.

He says Africa cannot lead the world if it has spiritual prophets than Science Professors.

“It’s a shame we don’t have an African vaccine. So many useless monuments but no laboratories.

“This lack of thought leadership is an indictment on the region,” he adds.

Meanwhile, the Reverend’s sentiments came as a mock to opposition MDC-Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa for pushing for the reopening of churches in the face of continued and rapidly spreading Covid-19 cases in the country.

A devout Christian and ordained pastor, Chamisa agitates for an eased lockdown restrictions for worshipers to seek divine solutions to the country’s problems, including COVID-19.

“We must allow churches to open for a controlled number of people provided there is social distancing, masking, and other Covid-19 protocols,” the opposition leader said during his Covid-19 national address Thursday.

This also saw Chamisa being schooled by former cabinet minister Jonathan Moyo who said COVID-19 is a medical challenge that needs a scientific solution.

“Covid-19 is a medical challenge of science that requires a scientific solution. Anything else is mumbo jumbo,” Moyo twitted.

However, another follower on Twitter stood on Chamisa’s side saying if Covid-19 is a medical challenge that requires only medical solutions as Moyo was saying, how come countries with advanced science are also struggling to contain the virus.
