Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) presenter Godfrey Gwenje (pictured) says renowned investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono is violating the Patriotic Law.

“@daddyhope behind so called Al Jareera documentary. After the patriotic Act was effected, he knows it’s a crime to wilfully damage the sovereignty & national interest of Zimbabwe.

“In order to pursue his agenda he work covertly with hostile journalists on the purported documentary,” he says.

Meanwhile former Zimbabwe Republic Police ZRP boss Oliver Mandipaka says the police should take action on Chin’ono.

“It is in the national interest that the patriotic act be upheld against @daddyhope after realisation that he is behind the so called Aljezeeera documentary meant to damage the sovereignty and national interest of Zimbabwe @PoliceZimbabwe action should be taken,” says Mandipaka.

This comes after Aljazeera said it is producing a documentary exposing rampant corruption within the President Emmerson Mnangagwa led party and government.
