Very Ill Khaya Moyo Now Living Permanently in South Africa Hospital

Zanu PF Minister Simon Khaya Moyo is fighting for his life after spending the last three months in a South African hospital, zimnews has been told.

The Zanu PF stalwart has been unable to perform his government and party responsibilities due to a yet to be disclosed illness.

A number of Zimbabwe publications have sited high blood pressure as the culprit while a Zanu PF source who spoke to zimnews on condition of anonymity indicated a worse situation.

Many thought he had fallen foul to Mugabe succession wars when he failed to show up at the last four Politburo meetings, resulting in Ignatius Chombo, the party’s secretary for administration, assuming some of his responsibilities, including making important public announcements.

He was not around to attend  Zimbabwe’s Heroes and Defence Forces days as he is now literally living in a South African hospital since June, 2016.

Meanwhile, former Zimbabwe government ministers Fortune Chasi and  Ziyambi Ziyambi, have spent the last week in a Harare hospital as they battle unknown ailments.

The two and Khaya-Moyo could have succumbed to life and death Mugabe succession politics playing out in ZANU-PF after they escaped expulsions due to their links with Zim PF president Joice Mujuru who was President Robert Mugabe’s deputy back then.