The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) says ZANU-PF thugs have staged an illegal roadblock in Wedza where they abducted its youth leader Tonderai Bhuka.

According to Party deputy spokesperson Gift Ostalos Siziba the abduction took place at Wedza GMB.

“ZANU-PF thugs have abducted Youth leader Tonderai Bhuka at GMB Wedza in a roadblock they manned illegally.

“They want to turn Mash east a no go area for the Alternative government. We will not cow down into submission. Never!,” He says.

According to reports, road into Wedza has been blocked by ZANU-PF Youths to stop Zimbabwe’s main opposition leader Nelson Chamisa from entering the district.

A local CCC leader has reportedly had his homestead attached and property destroyed.

And a car belonging to a local businessman has been attacked with stones.

Chamisa was visiting the area and his security team has since lodged a police report on the attacks.
