Monday 02 September 2019

Chitungwiza Mayor Clr Lovemore Maiko was today brutally attacked by bussed Zanu PF thugs inside the municipality’s Town House today.

The Mayor sustained injuries and is seeking medical attention.

He was attacked inside the Town Clerk’s Office by over 100 Zanu PF thugs brought to the Town House in several trucks by several known land barons who are working in cahoots with the Town Clerk George Makunde to loot council land by prejudicing bona fide home-seekers. The Mayor was in the process of serving the Town Clerk with a suspension letter when the hugs barged into the office and brutally assaulted him.

Makunde is a member of the Zanu PF Mashonaland Central provincial executive.

The charges against the Town Clerk range from gross insubordination, refusal to obey lawful instructions, gross incompetence, falsification of personal and council documents and habitual absence from duty.

The Town Clerk had last week engineered trumped-up charges against the mayor and his deputy after he knew that a suspension letter would soon be served against him. The police who arrested the Mayor and his Deputy investigated the allegations and freed them after concluding that the two had no case to answer.

Today, the Town Clerk went for the jugular and brought in Zanu PF bouncers to physically assault the Mayor.

Police were innocent by-standers when the Zanu PF thugs besieged the council offices to brutally assault the mayor, whose only crime is that he is trying to bring order, sanity and improved service delivery to Chitungwiza residents.

False allegations have been raised against the Mayor that he allocated his wife a stand, when there is no iota of truth in the allegation.

The MDC notes with concern the systematic political onslaught and vicious assault on MDC-run local authorities in a bid to overturn the democratic will of the people as expressed in the last election.

MDC@20: Celebrating Courage,Growth and the People’s Victories.

Luke Tamborinyoka
MDC Deputy National Spokesperson