According to financial accounts, which are part of the Central Committee report, ZANU PF in 2022 has raised Z$1.6 billion from subscriptions, donations, investments, and its allocation from the government.

The party has raised US$6.4 million from donations, and another US$46,952 from subscriptions.

This was revealed during the party’s National Congress which ended on Saturday, however, there were no disclosures on who the donors were.

ZANU PF says its biggest threat is inflation, fueled by exchange rate weakness, as it is spreading discontent.

“That scenario had caused much volatility within the economy to the extent of becoming a security threat which consequently had blighted ZANU PF’s chance of a landslide win in the 2023 harmonised elections,” the party says.

ZANU PF has a number of ways in which it raises funds, like selling cards, among others.

However, the party has been accused of forcing certain people and organisations to donate to it.

Critics even allege that the party use state funds for its own programs, it is further reported that ZANU PF refuses to pay local authorities which would have rendered services to it.
