The ZANU PF Politburo will be meeting at the ruling party’s headquarters in the capital tomorrow.
This will be followed with a Central Committee meeting the day after.
While these two meetings are ordinary sessions, there is a lot of issues to be looked into, moreso at the time factionalism within the party is said to be a hot matter.
Another matter which is expected to be deliberated on, include the looming protests.
A section of the war veterans led by Blessed Geza is calling for a nationwide protest on 31 March.
However, the government says it will not tolerate any form of disturbances in country.
ZANU PF national spokesperson Chris Mutsvangwa issued the notice of the meeting.
“Notice of a Politburo meeting on Wednesday 26th March 2025 at 10:00hrs and a Central Committee meeting on Thursday 27th March 2025 at 10:00hrs.
“Members are advised to be seated by 09:45hrs sharp,” read part of the notice.