A ZANU PF official reportedly bought dog meat for his family after being tricked by traders who presented it as goat.

The scammers have been operating in Chitungwiza Extension where unsuspecting residents are reportedly buying dog meat from rogue youths who parade it as goat or buck meat.

The scam came to light at the weekend after businessman Learnmore Chinhoyi’s dog fell victim to the culprits, only identified as Ji-i-joe and Bhunu.

Chinhoyi’s dog which has brought the scandal to light allegedly went missing for two days last week, before its remains were found in a field on the outskirts of the surbub following a rip-off by a sympathiser.

“I was alerted to the whereabouts of the dog by some sympathisers (names withdrawn),” Chinhoyi said.

He said a visit to the said field led to the discovery of his dog’s rotting remains – the skin, intestines and head.

This is not the first of my dogs that has gone missing.

Presently, I am unaware of the whereabouts of about 12 of my dogs. These have gone without a trace,” Chinhoyi added.

Further investigations into the issue led the dog-owner to the doorstep of Zanu PF ward 44 chairperson, Peter Makaza, who allegedly unknowingly bought the entire carcass.

On arrival at the Zanu PF official’s home, Chinhoyi allegedly bumped into the youths said to have sold Makaza the bounty and had come for their outstanding balance.
