It’s all systems go in as far as preparations for the ZANU PF National People’s Congress is concerned.

It is the 7th elective congress which is expected choose the party’s first secretary and President, at a time the coup union which brought President Emmerson Mnangagwa to power has expired.

Meanwhile, the congress is happening amid rift between Mnangagwa and his deputy Constantino Chiwenga.

It is kicks off tomorrow at the Robert Mugabe Square, the open space between Rainbow Towers Hotel and Harare Showgrounds (Exhibition Park) in the capital.

Reports have it that Mnangagwa was expected to be handing over power to the retired army general, Chiwenga who led a coup that toppled late former Zimbabwean strongman, Robert Mugabe.

However, the party is on record saying there is no bad blood between Mnangagwa and his deputy.
