An attempt to make the murder of Zanu-Pf losing candidate for Bulawayo East Sweet Sweet appear like a suicide was yesterday foiled when police discovered that an uncorked pistol had been placed in the deceased’s hand.

Sweet Sweet was found dead with a pistol in hand, 2.5km from his Nyamandlovu farm.

Matabeleland North police spokesperson, Chief Inspector Siphiwe Makonese confirmed the incident:

He was found lying on his back holding his C2 pistol by three passersby who informed a community leader who reported the matter to the police. The detectives who were deployed to the scene observed that he was holding his pistol with its full magazine and the gun was not even cocked meaning he could not have shot himself. Also, there were spent cartridges at the scene. The officers discovered that he had stab wounds on the head and was bleeding from the left ear yet the gun was found in his right hand. This led police to suspect the crime scene could have been staged hence police are treating the matter as murder and have since started investigations. ..source Chronicle