There is a sinister ploy by ruling party bigwigs close to Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa to dislodge the Zanu PF Kwekwe district coordinating committee (DCC) amid stunning revelations that the removal of national commissar Victor Matemadanda is closely linked to the alleged impending coup.

Sources privy to the intraparty fissures in the long-ruling Zanu PF told Zwnews that the duo of Mnangagwa’s blue-eyed boys who include state security minister Owen ‘Mudha’ Ncube and his Local Government counterpart July Moyo have been at the forefront of scheming the downfall of the recently elected Kwekwe DCC amid reports that nine of the 21 Kwekwe DCC executive members are facing dethronement.

According to the sources, Matemadanda was removed from the position of national PC owing to his alleged proximity to the Moses Thandika-led Kwekwe DCC.

“It’s a palace coup and this is imminent,” said the source in an interview with this publication.

“In actual fact, Mudha and July have never been happy especially with the way the Kwekwe DCC polls were conducted. So, there’s a team of nine unwanted executive members who are facing the chop. The nine members are believed to be blocking the interests of the two ministers who are very close to the president,” the source said.

“The only crime these targeted officials have committed is that they just do not want to pander to the whims of the two ministers who are now regarded as the godfathers of the Midlands Province”.

It is further alleged that Matemadanda was offered an ambassadorial post in the pursuit of ensuring that the current DCC members will not have access to the motormouth politician who is believed to be very close to members of the Zanu PF Kwekwe DCC.

Added the source:

“It is apparently clear that Matemadanda’s promotion by demotion whereby he was appointed the country’s ambassador to Mozambique was influenced by the urge to ensure that he will not easily communicate with members of the Kwekwe DCC”.

This publication also has it on good authority that amongst the Kwekwe DCC members targeted for demotion are Thandika, Secretary for Finance Kandros Mugabe, Youth Affairs Secretary David Murivha and his Tourism and Environment counterpart Tadzoka Nago.

In the DCC polls held last December, Thandika outpolled Minister Moyo’s nephew and former Mbizo legislator Vongaishe Mupereri while Mugabe defeated Tapiwa Muto, a close ally of the state security minister.

Mugabe, who leads Zvipo ZveMweya Church, is also embroiled in a dog-eat-dog fight with Minister Ncube’s nephew Energy Dhala Ncube for the battle to acquire the sole ruling party’s candidature in the forthcoming Kwekwe Central by-elections.

Last year, gunshots were fired at the Zanu PF Kwekwe district headquarters after youths aligned to Dhala turned violent, accusing the presiding team of having been bribed by Mugabe to skew the electoral field in the cleric’s favour.

Zanu PF Midlands provincial chairperson Engineer Daniel McKenzie Ncube could not be immediately reached for comment during the time of publishing.
