It is all systems go for the ZANU PF annual People’s Conference set to begin today in the City of Kings, Bulawayo.

The conference is being held under the theme ‘Industrialise and Modernise Towards the Attainment of Vision 2030.’

It will start with the convening of the Politburo meeting on Tuesday, October 22, followed by the Central Committee on Wednesday, October 23, at the party’s headquarters in Harare.

ZANU PF Information and Publicity Director, Farai Marapira said all is set for the conference, with accommodation and transport to ferry delegates already in place.

Delegates are already being accredited.

“All the things that are needed to cater for the delegates are already in place and it looks like it is going to be a resounding success, it will be very organised as usual,” said Marapira.

Though the conference will not be elective, it is expected to set the tone on the hot issue in ZANU PF and government, that of succession, which threatening to rip the ruling party.

President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is expected to step down from power in 2028, and his deputy Constantino Chiwenga is next in line.

However, Mnangagwa is said to be working day and night to extend his stay in office, thereby denying his deputy to take over.

Meanwhile, it is alleged that Chiwenga’s camp is not happy with President Mnangagwa’s plans to remain in power beyond his term limit.

There has been calls by some party members aligned to Mnangagwa to push for constitutional amendment to allow him to go beyond his term limit, a move which the other camp is vowing to fight.

As tensions continue to rise in the party, a faction calling itself the General Chiwenga Voluntary Supporters Association (GCVSA) has issued a chilling warning that it will not tolerate anyone bent on pushing for an unconstitutional presidential term extension.

“Their arrogant declaration that President Mnangagwa will remain in power until 2030 is not only a blatant affront to the democratic processes within our nation, but also a direct attack on the legitimacy and standing of General Chiwenga, known to us as Umkhwenyana.

“Let it be clearly understood-General Chiwenga is the leader the people of Zimbabwe are rallying behind, and we will not sit idly by as rogue elements like John Paradza attempt to tarnish his name and derail the course of justice and progress,” said the faction in a statement.
