The ruling party, ZANU PF has been said to be trying to convince Southern African Development Community (SADC) elders to either endorse the just ended disputed elections or persuade the opposition to take their case to the country’s courts which are said to be captured.

“ZANU PF ARM-TWISTING ELDERS: The fresh cable coming in is that ZANU PF is lecturing to @SADC_News elders in Harare to help them serve the liberation movement from losing power.

“They are telling them to advice opposition to make use of captures courts. Hanzi “we cant lose power,” says former military Intelligence Officer Cde Never Maswerasei.

He says some of the elders are seemingly showing signs of willing to accept bribes, allegedly offered by ZANU PF since last night.

“The elders are divided as some are showing signs of warming up to bags of cash that were being dangled beginning last night.

“If ZANU PF manages to get its way, it is highly likely that the elders will resolve to encourage those that lost the election to go the legal route.

“It is also said some of the elders are suggesting a power sharing arrangement characteristically similar to 2008 where Mnangagwa retains presidency,” he adds.

Maswerasei says a meeting with Citizens Coalition for Change CCC president Nelson Chamisa has therefore been tabled.

“Shake Shake deliberations in progress,” adds Maswerasei.

Apparently, the SADC elders are in the country at the invitation of the ZANU PF led government to try and find a solution after the just ended disputed elections.

Election observer missions condemned the way the polls were conducted, allegedly marred by irregularities.

There were reports of voter intimidation, among other things viewed as not in harmony with the holding of free and fair elections.
