Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema (HH) has appointed former vice president Nevers Mumba head of Southern African Development Community (SADC) head of election observer team to Liberia.

Liberia goes to the polls next week.

Hichilema is the SADC chair on Politics, Defence, Security and Co-operation.

Apparently, Mumba led the regional body’s election observer mission to Zimbabwe.

The team released its findings which disclosed that the election were neither free nor fair as it failed to meet SADC guidelines governing democratic polls.

This saw Mumba at the receiving end with the Zimbabwean ruling party ZANU PF accusing of trying to cause a regime change.

But Mumba said the report was prepared by the SADC team, not him.

SADC Troika led by Hichilema is expected to meet and deliberate on the report on the just ended Zimbabwean elections.

Zimbabwe and Zambia enjoy cordial relations dating back to the liberation struggle, however since the recent polls, Harare and Lusaka have a soured friendship.
