The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has said that it is summoning the ZANU PF youth league over the list of corrupt officials the league released. ZACC says that it wants the league to present evidence of corruption.

ZACC chairperson, Loice Matanda Moyo, revealed this during her first press conference since assuming the post. She said:

We have taken note of the trending list of alleged corrupt top government and ZANU PF officials by the ZANU PF youth league. We are summoning the youth league to bring evidence of corruption against those implicated with a view to prosecuting such corruption.

Despite having arresting powers now, ZACC will still engage the National Prosecuting Authority for prosecution once they are done with investigations. Matanda-Moyo said:

Whilst ZACC is happy to announce that it now has powers of arrest, it, however, refers all completed investigations for prosecution to the National Prosecuting Authority. Once ZACC has investigated the matters and referred them to the NPA for prosecution- that is the end of ZACC functions.

The list featured prominent politicians, government officials and business people including Christopher Mutsvangwa’s children Neville and Elizabeth, Zanu PF’s secretary for administration Obert Mpofu, Policy and Implementation minister Jorum Gumbo, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor John Mangudya, Henrietta Rushwaya, among others.
