Political analyst Maximilian Lion says there is a connection between a people’s culture and their approach to politics.

He says some dysfunctional political systems are a reflection of their people’s culture.

“Defending someone’s dodgy behaviour because he is famous explains why people defend failed politicians.

“There is a clear lack of order in both the culture and political system.

“If one is allowed to get away with reckless behaviour as a father and given protection by his culture by virtue of being a father, it takes away the accountability and responsibility that essential for an orderly state of affairs,” he adds.

Read rest of his argument below:

The same approach is seen in politics. The same ineffective values that protect people from accountability are carried into politics.

Where we expect democracy, rule of law & human rights, the country is subjected to reckless behaviour by people with no sense of duty and responsibility.

If a man does not take care of his children and goes around making more children without a sense of order and structure, it shows the man is irresponsible. It does not matter if the same man were to go and win gold medals for the country.

His inability to protect his many children and facilitate the platform they need to prepare for the future makes him a failure in the family realm.

If a large section of society were to ignore his failure and defend him on account of his gold medals, it reflects badly on the people.

It is worse when they attack the abandoned children.

This fiasco is a mirror of the political system. The political system is not designed for law abiding and hard working families.

It’s designed for those who operate above the law, violate state institutions and are known for destroying the economy.

Innocent people are denied bail and sent to prison while criminals are arrested and released.

This is an extension of the dysfunction from domestic setting into the political system.

How do you expect a culture that does not put value on order in families, expect to have a social contract at the political level? It’s impossible.

We struggle to understand how leaders cannot understand the need for a functional political system, the need for an efficient education and health system.

The recent drama is helping in exposing the mindsets of people who influence society. Not encouraging at all.

Efficient democratic systems don’t become efficient by themselves. They need people who are committed to the ideals that benefit the interest of the people.

The thinking displayed in the last few days explains why there is no realistic prospect of transformation coming from the political system.

Politics is an ideas driven endeavour, one must be interested in reading widely, thinking critically and expect to evolve with the times. It’s not a realm for ignorance and out of touch attitudes.

Diligence is vital if a political system is to be in touch with the reality of its people. A culture that manifests at the expense of its people is a culture that needs to be examined.