Disqualified 2023 presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere has been lambasted for lacking the drive to remove President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa from power, despite having the capacity.

According to one of his X followers Dark Man, Kasukuwere has the means to topple Mnangagwa, but surprisingly he is finding it hard.

“You know how the system works. You have the capacity to mobilise forces within ZANU PF to remove ED, but it’s proving to be difficult for you,” says Dark Man.

Kasukuwere invited trouble for himself when he posted on his X handle that Zimbabweans brace up for dark Christmas, they must remember that November 2017 was a hoax and a dummy.

He was referring to the 2017 coup that toppled late former President Robert Mugabe.

“As we head into a dark Xmas for many, remember one thing Nov 2017 was a hoax! It was a dummy,” he posted.

One netizen Samuel Matandi was quick to respond to him:

“This thing of singling out November 2017 is crappy. Zimbabwe’s problems started way back when you were enjoying in the system.

Kasukuwere answered: “What is it that you are in dispute with?”

Dark Man chipped in accusing Kasukuwere of lacking a plan, despite having the ingredients to remove Mnangagwa from power.
