Norton Independent Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa has; urged those in high authority to always remember that no one can rule forever, and to treat others with respect such that when they leave offices, people won’t spit on their faces.

He says those who lead are likely to earn respect even after leaving office, than those who rule.

“When one is a leader, they must always remember they’ll never lead in perpetuity. It’s therefore important one’s conduct whilst in office enables them to live a normal life after leadership.

“Kutungamirira not kutonga; will one be able to walk the streets and be greeted by people?” Asks Mliswa.

Meanwhile, President Emmerson Mnangagwa is on record saying he is a ruler, as opposed to being a leader.

At one time he said: “Regai vavukure isu tichingotonga, tichitonga uye tigotonga.” (Let the opposition leaders bark like dogs as we rule, and rule, and rule.)

Apparently, Mliswa calls on fellow politicians to periodically review their work and see if they are still on the right track, or else risk being voted out.

“If you don’t review your strategy at half time and don’t remove players who haven’t been good, the team is likely to lose and the owners of the team may fire you.

“In politics, one may be voted out. Where are we now that it’s half-time? How is our actual performance against expectation?” He adds.
