HARARE: Controversial Zimbabwe businessman Mr Wicknell Chivayo has been arrested over the $5 million payment he received for the Gwanda Solar Project but undertook nothing meaningful at the site, police confirmed yesterday.

Officials from The Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) said a sum of $5 644 130.80 for pre-commencement works was released to his company Intratrek without a bank guarantee and the entire amount was released within a period of six months from December 2015 to July 2016.

The whole project was estimated to cost around $183 000 000

Mr Chivayo, who calls himself “Sir Wicknell”, often boasts on social media about his riches, and that he always laughs last.

National police spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba confirmed Mr Chivayo’s arrest but did not give finer details on the charge.

The arrested comes few weeks after president Mnangagwa asked ZPC to release close to half a billion dollars to Chivayo so that he can commence and finish the Gwanda Solar Project.