Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s envoy and ambassador-at-large Uebert Angel, a self-styled prophet exposed in Al Jazeera’s gold smuggling, money laundering and corruption revelations, has finally spoken out today on the scandal.

Speaking through his lawyer Professor Lovemore Madhuku, Angel said he has never done anything or deals on behalf of the President adding that his relationship with Mnangagwa is one of superior and subordinate.

He said in that documentary all the things in there are staged, adding that no one was phoned there were decoys.

“I want it known out there that I never met the first lady.

“Zimbabwe wanted to gain intelligence out of it… that is the context of the meeting with the undercover journalists.

“I hold a diplomatic passport yes, but I also hold a British Passport… I am not carrying myself around as a diplomat.

“Even as they played along, there was also a possibility that these people would not be what they thought they were,” he said.
