Apex Legends introduced the Space Hunt Event as part of its in-game story events. This event brought a new type of adventure to players. It featured unique challenges, rewards, and a narrative that expanded the game’s lore. The Apex Legends Space Hunt Event gave players a chance to experience something different from the typical battle royale format.


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Storyline of Space Hunt

The Space Hunt Event focused on the Apex Legends character Horizon. Her story revolves around space and her quest for scientific knowledge. During this event, players learned more about her past and the challenges she faced.

In the Space Hunt storyline, Horizon was on a Apex Legends mission to return to her son. She had left her family to explore space and find a way to save her planet. The Apex Legends event allowed players to follow her journey. The story was told through challenges and in-game cinematics.

The event had a space theme, tying in with Horizon’s space exploration background. This made it feel different from other events in the game.

Event Rewards

Aside from Apex Legends skins, these were the rewards.

  • Badges: By finishing specific challenges, players could earn event badges. These badges were displayed on the player’s profile, showing their achievements.
  • Weapon Skins: There were also unique Apex Legends weapon skins available. These skins had a sci-fi look that matched the space theme of the event.
  • Event Currency: Players could earn event currency by completing tasks. This currency was used to purchase event-specific items.

New Game Mode

The PvE missions in Space Hunt were a new addition to the game. These Apex Legends missions had players battling AI-controlled enemies. The missions were set in different locations, and each one had its own objective. Some Apex Legends missions required players to defend certain points on the Apex Legends map. Others were about collecting items or eliminating waves of enemies.

Impact on Apex Legends’ Lore

Through the event, players learned about Horizon’s personal struggles. They saw how much she cared about her family and how her scientific pursuits affected her relationships. This made her story more relatable and gave players more reason to invest in her Apex Legends character.

The event also added new details about the world of Apex Legends. It hinted at future events and possible storylines for other Apex Legends characters. Fans of the game’s lore enjoyed these small teasers and speculated about what might come next.

Player Reception

The reception to the Space Hunt Event was mostly positive. Players appreciated the PvE missions, as they offered something different from the regular battle royale gameplay. The story-driven nature of the event also kept players engaged.

Many players praised the event for its unique rewards. The space-themed Apex Legends skins and items were a hit among the community. Players liked that the event cosmetics were exclusive, meaning they could only be obtained during the event. This gave them a sense of rarity and value.

However, not all feedback was positive. Some players felt that the event’s challenges were too difficult. Others thought that the PvE missions lacked variety. But overall, most players enjoyed the event.

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