Veteran Zimbabwe journalist Ezra Tshisa Sibanda has reported the death of a fourth Zimbabwean in the UK from coronavirus.

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This is shattering, I’m heartbroken and lost for words. Surely l still cant understand how Mathobela has gone like that. A super woman who has also succumbed to COVID-19, her family has confirmed. She was a lovely person, very caring and a true humanitarian. She leaves behind a 13 year old girl who is now with a friend. Mathobela’s mum Matshuma is devastated and cant believe what has happened to her loving daughter and recently she also lost her own sister in Zimbabwe and Mathobela went there not knowing a month later she would be dead as well. A very dark cloud has descended on this family, very sad. To Mathobela l couldn’t help with your request Mzukulu, it’s a process, it wasn’t easy and this thing has taken you before your sister had managed to join you here. Only a moment you stayed Matho, but what an imprint your footprints have left on our hearts. Rest In Peace our loving angel. I know you are in a better place #shocked