Tinashe Zisengwe

Two men from Mboko Village under Chief Svosve in Wedza recently struck a local man with a burning log on the face after he demanded his money back from one of the duo.

Prosecuting Emmanuel Dera said the pair Frank Mushoriwa and Nyamuziwa who were on a drinking binge allegedly burnt Talent Svinurai of Dendenyore Village under same chieftainship accusing him of disturbing clients in the bottle store where there were taking the holy waters.

The court also heard that Svinurai approached Nyamuziwa asking for his money back, but Mushoriwa interjected the conversation and started accusing Svinurai of disturbing some patrons before Nyamuziwa slapped him.

Mushoriwa them pulled a burning log and struck Svinurai who suffered serious injuries on the face.

The duo has since appeared before a Marondera Magistrate who remanded them out of custody awaiting trial.