Botswana’s Independent Electoral Commission (EIC) has denied allegations that it visited the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to learn vote rigging tricks.

This came after a Botswana opposition party accused IEC of visiting Zimbabwe to “learn tricks on rigging elections”.

IEC faced allegations of rigging in the 2019 elections and has been accused of conducting secretive registration processes for the upcoming 2024 elections.

These allegations have eroded public trust in that country’s electoral process and raised doubts about the IEC’s commitment to transparency and fairness.

Botswana National Front Secretary General, Ketlhalefile Motshegwa said the visit to Zimbabwe by IEC was an endorsement of Zimbabwe’s disputed electoral system.

Motshegwa said Zimbabwe’s elections have been marred by irregularities in the past, and IEC should not be seen to be associating itself with such a system.

“Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) has become known as a disastrous and atrocious electoral institution run mafia style, aided by those in government,” Motshegwa said in a statement.

“This comes at a time when President Mokgweetsi Masisi and his Zimbabwean brother, as they call each other, Emmerson Mnangagwa are enjoying cosy personal relations as bosom buddies to push joint personal businesses using offices of President to set up electoral crime syndicates.”

However, IEC has denied the accusations read statement below: