President Emmerson Mnangagwa has issued a chilling warning to criminals who are in the habit of stealing and vandalising electricity infrastructure, saying his Government will in the near future promulgate stiffer penalties, including life imprisonment for those who are convicted of tampering with the infrastructure.

The 78-year old Zimbabwe leader made the remarks in Matabeleland Province this Friday afternoon after touring a number of developmental projects including the Deka Water System Upgrade Project in Hwange.

Fusing his speech that was prepared in English with the vernacular Shona, Mnangagwa said those who are caught in the act of vandalising electricity cables must promptly comply by ‘raising up their hands’ lest they be shot straight in the head.

“Vakomana vanoba tambo dzemagetsi nema transformer- imwi vana Baba nemwi vana Mai- kana kune mwana anoita izvozvo, mudanei, achere chikomba, apfire mate, afusire mate makatarira kuti hazviitwi. (To you parents, warn your children against theft of electricity cables and transformers).” Mnangagwa said.

The Zimbabwe leader said the rampant vandalism of such infrastructure has resulted in perennial power cuts- a problem that has bedeviled his 15-million southern African nation for a long time.

“Kwatiri kuinda uku, tiri kutogadzira mutemo wekuti kana waita izvozvo zvekuba infrastructure yedu yemagetsi- vamwe vanhu vanoda kushandisa magetsi voashaiwa, voinda muzarima nekuti mwana wako iwe aba magetsi- kana tamubata angosimudza kuisa mavoko mudenga nekuti bara rinoinda mumusoro. Kana yainda ku Court, tongomupa kuti pavupenyu hwako hwasara hwawakanga wakapihwa na Jehovah wohupedzisira kujere because this is counterproductive and perpetrators will face stiffer penalties”, he said.

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