Vice President Kembo Mohadi is on the ropes as a growing sex scandal threatens to upend his political career.

Mohadi, 71, missed a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, the second major diary event he has failed to attend after a no-show at last Saturday’s burial of ZIPRA independence war hero Moses Griffiths Mpofu at the National Heroes Acre.

Mohadi has been engulfed by a major sex scandal after Zimbabweans heard him on leaked phone calls – released by ZimLive – inviting a married woman for sex in his government office and arranging sex trysts in hotels, including with a married security agent who works in his office.

The leak came after the vice president’s phone was “cloned”, according to Paul Damasane, the permanent secretary in his office.

Senior government sources say the former Beitbridge East MP has told his colleagues that he is considering resigning.

A senior Zanu PF source said: “His phone was compromised and he seems very concerned about what tomorrow will bring, beyond the sex scandals. Only he knows the true degree of the breach of his personal privacy, and he wants to stop the bleeding.”

ZimLive understands Mohadi met President Emmerson Mnangagwa and second Vice President Constantino Chiwenga before Tuesday’s cabinet meeting as the three men discussed his political future.

A source said Mnangagwa has offered Mohadi some support, and has told him that he should decide on his future – saving him the humiliation of a sacking which would cause tremors in Zanu PF.

As cabinet sat, Mohadi was holed up in his Munhumutapa Building office where there was an air of resignation among his staff that his political career is drawing to a close.

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