Latest on the arrest of Zimbabwe War Vetarans Douglas Mahiya, Victor Matemadanda

Zimbabwe Republic Police reacted to the anti Mugabe war vets Communique by arresting the top leadership of the liberation fighters ‘ association.

According to reports reaching us, the arrest was a directive from ZanU PF’s G40 faction leaders who felt the duo(Matemadanda, Mahiya) were doing a lot of damage against their bid to have someone, other than Mnangagwa, replace President Mugabe as leader.

War Vets Secretary General Victor Matemadanda

Secretary General Victor Matemadanda

Gokwe based Matemadanda was bundled into a police car from his house and driven all the way to Harare for questioning on charges  of trying to undermine the authority of president Mugabe.

Earlier on another leader Douglas Mahiya was taken in the same manner from his Chitungwiza home on the same issue.

Matemadanda, Mahiya and other members of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association convened a meeting last week in which they resolved to withdraw their support for President Mugabe.

They accused the president of allegedly running down the country and failing to contain corruption, which they claimed is now even rampant among his ministers.

Meanwhile, there are reports that detectives are also closing the net on another war veterans leader Chris Mutsvangwa who recently lost his parliamentary seat after being accused of disrespecting President Mugabe and his wife Grace.

Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) spokesperson, Douglas Mahiya

Douglas Mahiya