There’s a Shona idiom that says, Nyadzi dzinokunda rufu and in the event that there is any validity to this adage, then a 36-year old self-confessed unmarried rapist who bonked his colleague’s wife in Village 2, Mungwezi Village, under Chief Neromwe in Chiredzi, must be wishing he were dead.

And, in apparent concession with his apparently insatiable appetite for sex, Kuchinanani Mataruse, laid blame on alcohol intoxication for his criminal actions when he appeared before Regional Magistrate Judith Zuyu for rape.

Mataruse, who is not married, told the court that he mistook his friend’s homestead as his because he was intoxicated after drinking a lot of amarula.

Prosecuting, Noel Muranda said Mataruse sneaked into his friend’s house to rape the wife on February 20, 2022 at around 9pm while the husband was away.

On the said date, Muranda said, the accused had gone to his friend’s place asking for cigarettes. It is further reported that the complainant, who was already in bed, told him that she could not help the accused as her husband was the one who could have helped him with the cigarettes.

Mataruse did not utter any word, leading to the complainant to assume that he had left, and she went back to sleep.

Without any amount of shame, Mataruse is said to have sneaked into the complainant’s room, and the complainant who was asleep only realised that there was somebody lying on her after penetration had taken place.

In the pursuit of identifying the perpetrator, the complainant is said to have pressed her phone for light, only to realise that it was her husband’s friend Mataruse who was on top of her, the regional Mirror neewspaper reported.
