LATEST: The UK Government Raises Skilled Worker Visa Salary Requirement to £38,700, A 50% Surge, Healthcare Visas exempted

In a recent announcement, the UK government has decided to elevate the salary threshold for qualification under the skilled worker visa to £38,700. This marks an almost 50% increase from the current level, which stands just above £26,000. Home Secretary James Cleverly addressed the Commons, clarifying that this policy shift aims to curtail net migration.

Net migration, representing the difference between individuals entering and leaving the UK, amounted to 745,000 in 2022. The new regulation includes an exemption for those arriving on health and social care visas from the heightened salary requirement. However, overseas care workers will no longer have the privilege of bringing dependents, including partners and children.

Furthermore, the “shortage occupation list,” enabling individuals to come to the UK on lower wages, will see a reduction in eligible occupations. The home secretary emphasized that these alterations to legal migration policies would render approximately 300,000 people ineligible to enter the UK.

Expressing a firm stance, he declared, “Enough is enough.” Moving forward, the focus shifts to addressing illegal immigration. The home secretary asserted that their strategy to curb boat arrivals is effective, resulting in a one-third decrease in small boat arrivals. Stay tuned as we await the response from Labour’s Yvette Cooper.

From January 2024, the right for international students to bring dependents will be removed “unless they are on postgraduate courses designated as a research programme”, says Home Secretary James Cleverly.

Summary of new UK Immigration changes

  • Skilled worker visa salary requirement raised to £38,700, a nearly 50% increase
  • Current threshold of just over £26,000 to be replaced with the new policy
  • Home Secretary James Cleverly cites the goal of reducing net migration as the driving force behind the change
  • Net migration recorded at 745,000 in 2022
  • Exemption for health and social care visas from the higher salary threshold
  • Overseas care workers no longer allowed to bring dependents (partners and children)
  • Reduction in eligible occupations on the “shortage occupation list”
  • Approximately 300,000 individuals now deemed ineligible for entry under the revised policy
  • Home Secretary emphasizes a strong stance with the statement, “Enough is enough”
  • Focus shifts to addressing illegal immigration, with a claimed one-third reduction in small boat arrivals
