The United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) have reportedly, suspended about 400 nurses for allegedly failing to report for duty, a local publication has established.

A source close to the developments said a matron at UBH has caused the suspension of about 400 nurses at the health institution after they reported late for work and others failed to come for duty.

“Others came late because they use public service bus and after arriving late, matron refused to let them in saying she had already marked them absent. Now they are all suspended waiting for a hearing,” the source said.

Contacted for comment UBH acting chief executive officer Narcisius Dzvanga, however, said nurses absconded, hence their suspension.

“These are people who were not reporting for duty and I’m sure at your workplace if you don’t report for duty you are disciplined,” he said.

“It’s not unique to government, it’s not unique to UBH to Mpilo or Parirenyatwa and this is a top down order from head office to say these people are not coming to work they must be disciplined. There is nothing irregular about that,” he said.

Nurses, however, insisted that they did not abscond but came to work late due to transport challenges. -Cite