Olinda has confirmed that Tytan has moved out and her marriage is now on the knife edge. She said she was a very forgiving person but if Tytan did not fight for the marriage, this time it will be over. She confirmed that she called cops on Tytan after he beat her up. She said despite the domestic violence she was willing to continue with the marriage if he demonstrated that he wanted to fight for her and change to be a better person.

“I cannot control where I am at. I am a confused cockroach. What do I do. Maybe Njabulo is the love of my life, my soulmate. Maybe ndakaiswa mubhodhoro.” She said they were supposed to go to Dubai this weekend but the trip had been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. She wanted Tytan to return home as she was worried that he might impregnate some girl during the separation or she might be impregnated.

Olinda also said that Stunner was pushing to have her back and she was torn.
