On 25 Feb 2013, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) announced that it had put NGOs under daily surveillance & declared launching an offensive against NGOs & outlawed broadcasts from Studio 7.

ZRP Deputy Commissioner-General Innocent Matibiri, in charge of Operations told Zimbabwe Parliament Portfolio Committee on Defence & Home Affairs that 99% of NGO’s operating in Zim were Western sponsored & pushing for a regime change agenda.

Matibiri made the declaration as he gave oral evidence on ZRP’s preparedness for elections & the 16 March referendum.

Without elaborating, Matibiri said 99% of the NGO’s in Zim are Western sponsored&said their presence is a “cause for worry&a serious threat to national security”.

About Studio 7, he said distribution of Shortwave radio sets was not being done by people & organisations with noble intentions for the country, but by those with ignoble motives, who had stepped out of their constitutional mandate & ZRP will confiscate the radio sets.

Studio 7 was accused of broadcasting information critical to government.
