Exiled independent presidential aspirant Saviour Kasukuwere, has vowed to defy arrest threats and fly back to Harare to launch his election campaign.

Police said Kasukuwere had two pending warrants of arrest for absconding court and not surrendering his passport.

Meanwhile, Justice, Legal and Parly Affairs Permanent Secretary Virginia Mabhiza on fugitive Kasukuwere:

“When someone is issued with a warrant of arrest, they should submit before the law. What he should do is submit himself before the law and seek cancellation of the warrants.

“He has his lawyers, so they should advise him on what he should do. His submission to the law is standard procedure,” she said.

Apparently, the ruling party ZANU PF is singing the same time, saying Kasukuwere should be arrested on arrival.

Exiled former minister Walter Mzembi, who is chairperson of Kasukuwere’s campaign team, on Saturday accused President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration of “weaponising” the law against rivals.

Mzembi said Kasukuwere was unmoved and determined to launch his campaign on a soon-to-be announced date in the capital.

“No amount of intimidation and weaponisation ofthe law will intimidate Kasukuwere. He is going to be in Harare,” Mzembi said while addressing the media in South Africa on Saturday.

Recently, Kasukuwere sold the Harare regime a dummy, when booked a flight to Harare but never board the flight.

Kasukuwere a former Central Intelligence Organization operative, said the dummy was a security measure to test the ZANU PF regime’s reaction.
