Veteran  Radio Zimbabwe presenter Ezra Tshisa Sibanda has warned the Nelson Chamisa led MDC that thousands of people attending the party’s rallies are not registered to vote.

He urged the opposition party to make sure its supporters are registered to vote as rally numbers will not guarantee victory.

“The MDC primary elections turnout has been abysmal across the country in comparison with the Zanu PF
primary elections. For example Hwange Central with 25 000 registered voters, less than 1200 people voted in MDC primaries there, where my brother Daniel Molokele won collecting 1012 votes.

“MDC rallies are always packed yet the results of primary elections are shockingly low. Be warned huge figures at rallies can be deceiving, not all those who attend are genuinely for you,” said Sibanda.

The Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) exercise for people who intend to vote in this year’s harmonised elections will end two days after proclamation of election dates.

Mnangagwa will announce election dates this week.