ZANU PF senior official, Christopher Mutsvangwa has challenged those not happy with the current government led by President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa to go to war like they did to Ian Smith.

He made these sentiments while speaking during a discussion Zimbabwe’s 2023 elections at Chatham House, which is a Royal Institute of International Affairs.

Mutsvangwa added that they will never be taught on democracy, saying their focus is on prosperity of the people, guided by the second republic.

“We as war veterans we removed Robert Mugabe. Go outside and fight for the state,” he said.

Meanwhile, Sipho Malunga has reminded Mutsvangwa that what is happening in Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea, may happen in Zimbabwe as one day young people will say enough is enough.

Malunga son of late nationalist Sydney Malunga invited Mutsvangwa to arrest him if need be, through the Patriotic Act, saying he will speak his mind without fear! Just like his father used to do.

ZAPU’s Mthulisi Hanana said once ZANU-PF runs out of ideas they unleash violence, he said they preach peace during the day and unleash violence at night and he asked his members to remain peaceful.
