Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa says it is impossible to stop an idea whose time has come.

Posting on his X handle, Chamisa said change is coming no matter how people may try to delay it, adding that delay is not denial.

“THEIR PLOT WILL FAIL…When I say CHANGE is coming I am clear, certain and fortified. It doesn’t matter what subterfuge, fraud, antics, tactics or tricks are deployed to delay this reality -delay is not denial! Ignore the sideshows.

“Hold fast, stay focused and keep your eyes on the ball. Join the citizens fight,” he said.

Chamisa added that everything was secured in 2023 for a new Zimbabwe.

“We secured it in 2023. Watch the space. Our God has the timetable. It’s done.

“No one will stop an idea who’s time has come.”
