Mliswa:Only Tsvangirai can beat Mugabe, Mujuru does not have enough support for 2018

Temba Mliswa, Norton’s newly-elected Member of Parliament has hit the ground running, literally.

After telling reporters in Harare yesterday that he was now going for Mugabe’s head, Mliswa, has also shown his disdain for Joice Mujuru and her political party,  Zimbabwe People First (ZimPF).

While fully supporting veteran opposition MDC  leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, to lead the assault on Mugabe and Zanu PF in 2018, Mliswa declared that former deputy president, Joice Mujuru, was unfit to lead any coalition;

“She had a history of betraying her own,” said Mliswa.

Mliswa, who romped to victory after thumping Zanu PF’s Ronald Chindedza in a by-election held at the weekend, described Tsvangirai as a “tried and tested brand”, adding Mujuru was yet to show her mettle in the political numbers’ game.

“Mujuru cannot lead the coalition simply because she has no following like Tsvangirai. But more importantly, she has a history of betraying her own and has no spine to protect her supporters. Mujuru has no following, she was never voted at Zanu PF congresses, but handpicked by President Robert Mugabe. Don’t count the votes she is said to have garnered as MP because those are Zanu PF votes which will not help us come 2018,” he added.

Mliswa’s remarks come at a time when there is tension between Mujuru and Tsvangirai as they both hope to lead the envisaged coalition.

Yesterday, a top ZimPF official was quoted as saying Tsvangirai was uneducated and therefore not fit to lead the coalition.