Norton MP Temba Mliswa has leaked WhatsApp texts he says are chat messages between Susan Mutami and Kenneth Musanhi.

In the alleged chats, Mutami tries to woo Mashonaland Central politburo member Kenneth Musanhi who is having none of it. Susan Mutami accuses him of dumping her to which he denies adding that they were never in a relationship but were friends.

In the messages, Susan appears to praise President Mnangagwa, SB Moyo and Mudha Ncube writing, “I wouldn’t be the woman I am today if it wasn’t for them.” Many will question the timing of the alleged leaks as they come weeks after Susan went public accusing Mnangagwa of raping her.

See below:


Musanhi accuses Susan Mutami of getting close to him using false pretences. The Zanu-PF politician says he thought Susan wanted to donate equipment but it turned out it was a guise to get close to him. You can read the leaked chat below:


In the alleged chats, Susan also denies having a child with the late Foreign Affairs Minister Sibusiso Moyo whom she said was the father of her firstborn son on Twitter. It is not clear if she only said this to put Musanhi at ease so that they could have a relationship or if that is the truth.

You can read the chats below: