TWO teenagers from Dangamvura in Mutare were recently hauled before the courts on allegations of stealing US $1 300 from a truck driver who had offered them lunch.

The duo appeared before Miss Notbulgar Muchineripi.

Mr Nyasha Mukonyora prosecuted.

They pleaded guilty to the offence and were remanded in custody while the court awaits a report from a probation officer since one of the suspects is a juvenile.

Upon asked why they committed the crime, the duo, Olinda Munashe Mutwayo (19) and her friend (name withheld) said the complainant had used them on several occasions without payment and thus they took the money to recover the unpaid debt.

“I stole his money because he used me. l used to cook and do laundry for him,” said Matwayo.

Matwayo revealed to the court that her 17-year-old friend was dating the complainant Kurauone Vengesai.

Mr Mukonyora told the court that on November 27 this year, the teenagers met Vengesai (34) at Zimra TOAZ fuel tanker trucks parking depot along Glasgow Road in Mutare.

Vengesai reportedly offered the suspects lunch inside his truck.

After having lunch, the court was further told that Vengesai disembarked from the truck and went to see his colleague who was parked next to his truck.

It is alleged that Mutwayo’s friend then approached Vengesai who was talking to his friend and started having conversation with them.
After a while, Mutwayo’s friend told Vengesai that she was going home alone.

Vengesai then returned to his truck and discovered that Matwayo had disappeared from the truck and also his satchel containing US$ 1 385 was open.

On searching his bag he discovered that US$1 300 was missing.

He tried to call Mutwayo but she had switched off her phone, prompting Vengesai to go and report the matter at Mutare Central Police Station.

The following morning, Vengesai located the suspects and successfully lured them to the Central Investigations Department at Mutare Central Police station.

Detectives discovered that the two were in possession of cash and cellphones which they had recently bought.

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