There was total chaos in Norton today as independent candidate Temba Mliswa had  his big rally crashed by Zimbabwe police and ZANU PF supporters who threw missiles to disperse thousands of MDC supporters who had come to the venue ahead of the eagerly awaited election near Harare city.

The rally was booked to take place at Ngoni stadium in Norton.

MDC Vice President, Nelson Chamisa, had also travelled with some senior party officials to beef up support for Mliswa.

According to reports, everything was peaceful until when police used forced to disperse people who had prior permission to use the venue.

There were no injuries recorded though there are reports that cars were damaged as people swiftly ran away from the venue after teargas was fired into singing crowds.

Zimnews was told by eyewitnesses that armed riot police officers have been seen hours after stadium clashes, moving around popular spots where they were harassing and randomly beating people.