Rural teachers have joined the bandwagon of Doctors to demand payment in US Dollars, warning the embattled Zanu PF government that they will not report to duty when schools open next week unless their demand is met.

The rural teachers from Matebeleland North under the banner of Zimbabwe Teachers Association, on Thursday warned government of an industrial protests until their demand is met.

Zimta’s provincial secretary Mr Munodawafa Tafadzwa said government was being insensitive to the challenges faced by the sector inlight of the economic situation prevailing in the country.

“Salaries have been eroded to about $2.50 per day, which is far below the breadbasket for a family of six.

“In terms of cost of living price of commodities have gone up. Medication has a three tier pricing. The cost of sending our children to schools is now impossible.

“We therefore as Mat North declare that members will not report for duty until salaries are paid in USD.”
