A secondary school teacher based in Nyeri County has been found dead in his rental house in what is suspected to be a suicide case.

The teacher identified as Joseph Gathogo, allegedly placed himself inside a coffin after ingesting some poison.

Moreover, it is reported that the deceased had made the coffin himself.

The lifeless body of the 46-year-old teacher was retrieved by police from the rental house at Ihururu Shopping Centre a week after he went missing.

His relatives were alarmed at his disappearance after the neighbors reported a foul smell emanating from his house which was locked from the inside.

While confirming the incident, Tetu sub county police boss Phillip Mwania said that relatives of the deceased had noticed that he was missing for one week and decided to check him in his house.

“Accompanied by police the relatives visited his house, but we’re met by foul smell and a closed door, on breaking they were astonished that their kin was dead inside his homemade coffin,” said Mwania.

Mwania further added that relatives of the deceased who was a teacher at Muhoya Secondary School reported that he appeared disturbed when he visited their home at Ngangarithi village.

According to his relatives, Gathogo frequented the village but stopped all of sudden prompting the search.

“His relatives told us that prior to his death he had his own issues but they never though he would take his own life we are investigating to establish more details,” said Mwania.

Nevertheless, the body of the deceased was moved to Nyeri County Referral Hospital morgue as DCI officers processed the scene.

Kenya Times