RUYA Adventist High School whizkid, Tadiwanashe Mavetera, has said he too is also shocked that he managed to attain 10As at A-Level.

He aced Accounting, Mechanical Mathematics, Business Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Economics.

Tadiwanashe got 20As at O-Level in 2020.

Several results have been posted on social media but his have caught the limelight.

“I am extremely overwhelmed by this achievement and it shocked me just as it shocked everyone else because the mountain I had to climb to achieve this was very steep.

“The motivation behind doing these subjects was mainly to acquire a scholarship or to get recognition that would allow me to go to one of the top universities in the world like Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Havard or Stanford where I can freely pursue Quantum Physics.

“It was difficult to balance studying, preparing for the exams and completing my CALA assignments and lessons,” he said.

Tadiwanashe said he felt superhuman at some point.


“I had a very intense study arrangement; it was extremely difficult and almost superhuman. I didn’t sleep, I only slept once on the Sabbath.

“Sometimes I would get frustrated and stressed. But I would always find solace from reading the bible.

“What held my mind together was the bible. What gave me the peace that surpasses the understanding was the bible, and when I read it, I got composure and calmness.”

“I wish to pursue Quantum Physics as well as Nuclear Engineering and Computer Science.

“I wish to enrol at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but it’s a top university and I can’t afford it. But maybe through this, can take me there.

“I am kind of a stubborn guy who doesn’t quit. My personal philosophy is that everyone is born extraordinary, but most choose to live ordinary lives,” he said.

Tadiwanashe said despite following an intense study schedule, he still has a good social life.

“My social life is okay and I am a social individual who gets along well with others and is capable of rallying people to do something.

“This allowed me to be school captain at Ruya Adventist High.

“I am a devout Seventh-day Adventist, and yes my religion impacted my career extremely because through it I finally realised that the true source of knowledge and wisdom is God.

“He has laid forth this knowledge in the book of books His written word, the Bible.

“Religion impacted on my path because in times of stress, I would go back to the bible. I turn to God in times of frustrations, I would even go and see my school Chaplin, who would counsel me.

“All my success is attributed to God, and Him alone,” said Tadiwanashe.

The 19 year-old has called on other students to work hard.

“At O-Level I attained 20As and to fellow students, if you want to do something out of the ordinary, it’s very possible, but it requires extraordinary effort, an increased amount of prayer, bible study and a strong relationship with God.

“Be prepared to work hard, face circumstances that are tough. The secret behind my success is God, it would have been impossible without God. When human effort and divine intervention come together, things are made possible.”

He also thanked those that assisted him for their support.

“I studied very hard, even my peers at school can testify. I want to thank those who supported me, my headmaster would always call me to his office to offer his support to me, and friends did the same.

“Quantum Physics will improve our world. This is a new area in physics, that will improve our industry and domestic life, and I want to make the world a better place to live.

“After acquiring this knowledge, I want to improve our nation to have a strong economy.

“Someday Zimbabwe is going to become a hub of consultations on Quantum technology.

“It is my hope and prayer, that I get a scholarship to a top university for me to achieve this dream.”

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