ZANU PF Member of Parliament for Nyanga South Supa Mandiwanzira’s friendly moments with Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Candidate Ruxandra McCormick has set social media abuzz.

Zimbabweans on Twitter have been thrilled as ZANU PF MP Supa Mandiwanzira flirted with opposition CCC candidate McCormick.

The two candidates are vying for the same parliamentary seat in Nyanga South and have shared a friendly hug on social media, calling for a violence-free election.

Mandiwanzira, the incumbent MP and Zanu-PF candidate posted pictures on Twitter earlier yesterday showing him embracing McCormick, the aspiring MP and CCC candidate.

Both were wearing their respective party regalia and smiling.

“My opponent & I have agreed we MUST heed HE President Emerson Mnangagwa’s call for a violence-free election,” tweeted Mandiwanzira.

Meanwhile, the same spirit have for long been exhibited by Marondera Central MP, Caston Matewu CCC and his rival Cleopas Kundiona ZANU PF.

Recently, the two emerged in a video that made rounds on social media enjoying good time together, they called for peace and tolerance.

They said whoever wins, the losing one should be ready to congratulate.

At one time prior to the 2018 elections, Matewu and Kundiona met in a local supermarket and shared jokes while teasing each other in a friendly manner.

Each one of them told the other that he would beat him on the ballot, and urged the other to accept defeat.

It is every Zimbabwean’s wish that people should have political tolerance as the nation gears for polls and after.

However, Zimbabwe’s elections had for long been characterised by politically motivated violence. The ruling party has been accused of causing political violence, though it denies the allegations.
