The Metrological Services Department of Zimbabwe (MSDZ) says cold mornings are expected to continue, with spells in Manicaland and Mashonaland East, adding that ground frost is anticipated in Lupane, Matopos, Gweru, Chivhu, Hwedza, Harare and Hernderson.

In a notice, the Meteorological Services Department said today will be cool by afternoon and become very cold overnight, with mostly clear skies.

Outside the cloudy east and north east, the other provinces of Masvingo, Matabeleland South, Matabelaland North, Bulawayo Metropolitan, Midlands, Harare Metropolitan, Mashonaland West and Mashonaland Central were expected to be mostly sunny and mild by day, though cold at first with ground frost in some other areas, said the department.

Members of the public were urged to keep warm, the elderly, young and the ill should be adequately dressed or covered more overnight.

The department has indicated that if there is a need to use a brazier fire indoors to keep warm, good ventilation is needed to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

The department also added that frost mitigation measures should be practised with guidance from specialised staff of local Agritex officers.
