A South African preacher Reverend Bassie Jackals died in church whilst delivering a sermon at African Methodist Episcopal Church in Kuruman, Northern Cape on Sunday.

The 42-year-old’s full name is Elder Bassie Obakeng Poloko Jackals.

In his last moments, Reverend Bassie Jackals(see video) gives his congregant’s a powerful sermon unaware that it would be his last. He then sat on a chair before collapsing to the floor.

Congregants who thought he was in a trance clapped their hands before realising that the Minister was gone.

The African Methodist Episcopal Church has refused to discuss cirmstances surrounding Bassie Jackals’ death.

Reverend Jackals died on January 19, 2020, after he collapsed while preaching a Sunday morning service. He is survived by his wife Puleng Christina Jackals and four daughters.

When called to shed more light about the unfortunate incident, Reverend Dimpho Gaobepe said they were not ready to speak about the incident.

We are still discussing a way forward. We don’t even know how the video got on social media.
That alone has taken its toll on the family,