SOUTH AFRICA: With over 60% of the ballots counted, the ruling African National Congress (ANC) is leading with just over 40 percent of the national vote, two days after the national elections. This election could pose the greatest challenge to the ANC’s political dominance since the end of apartheid in South Africa.

The Democratic Alliance (DA), the main opposition party, is currently in second place, followed by the uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) party and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).

Key Election Updates:

1. ANC’s Potential Loss of Majority:

  • The ANC could lose its majority, necessitating coalition partners to form a government. The choice of coalition partner will depend on the support needed to cross the 50 percent threshold.
  • Despite a potential dip in votes, it is unlikely that the ANC will be entirely ousted from power.

2. Current Standings:

  • African National Congress (ANC): Leading with just over 40 percent.
  • Democratic Alliance (DA): In second place.
  • uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK): In third place.
  • Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF): Following closely.

Context and Background:

Historical Performance:

  • The ANC has won every national election since 1994, when Nelson Mandela became South Africa’s first Black president.
  • 1994: 62.5 percent
  • 1999: 66.4 percent
  • 2004: Nearly 70 percent (highest)
  • 2009: Almost 66 percent
  • 2014: 62 percent
  • 2019: Lowest margin with 57.5 percent

What If No Party Receives a Majority?

If the ANC does not secure more than 50 percent of the vote, they will need to negotiate with other parties to form a coalition government. The ANC’s coalition partner choice will be crucial to surpass the 50 percent mark and maintain governance.

Main Parties in the 2024 Election:

  • African National Congress (ANC)
  • Democratic Alliance (DA)
  • uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK)
  • Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)

Stay tuned for more updates as the vote counting continues and South Africa awaits the final results of this historic election.