Outspoken former Norton Independent Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa says being a politician may swallow someone into neglecting other things that really matters.

Mliswa lost the just ended parliamentary polls to Citizens Coalition for Change candidate Richard Tsvangirai.

However, Mliswa says the loss is a blessing in disguise as it gives him a needed break to tend to other things that matter.

“I surely needed this break to put my things right and on track. It has been an engaging time at the farm with all the variety of crops in need of attention.

“Politics can swallow you whole. Now I’m focusing on what actually brings in income,” he says.

He says being an MP requires a solid financial base adding that oftentimes one has to use personal funds in the constituency to meet needs. “That’s why I persistently called for the capacitation of the Office of the MP. It remains important,” he says.

Meanwhile, Mliswa warned corrupt councillors who are celebrating his loss, as he used to give them hard time; that he will still hold them to account as a responsible citizen.

“There will be no respite. I have properties in Norton and as a concerned and responsible citizen I will attend Full Council meetings and every other available platform seeking and advocating for the same, transparency and accountability!” He says.

He was responding to a newspaper story that said some councillors were celebrating his loss as he was in the habit of demanding accountability from them.
